What this is...

I am a game production and design major.
I want to make games.
I am pissed off that many games being announced have begun to have the exact concepts I've wanted to implement in my games.

All of these have led to this blog.
This is basically to document that I have legitimately written this shit down as a part of the games I want to make.

All I need to do is get a team of programmers and whatnot and I can have these bitches in motion. (Though I think some other games should be made before this one)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Xion game progression

Terra + Sergra
Baku (Roku interferes)
Roku (Dragon Fists)
Rayne (runs away)
Regina *rocket launcher
Leona (Rayne interferes, Leona gets away with harsh injuries)
Rayne (runs away) *drops double blade weapons
Cero (multi part battle, nightmare stinger battle, giant cero battle) *levitating multi-blade weapon
Ryujin (supposed to lose, but she learns about Damien, etc.)
Rayne (finishes fight)

As the story progresses, Xion’s version of the story becomes re-imagined based on decisions.

World is constantly dark/cloudy/maybe rainy
Before the true final battle ensues, it becomes sunny and bright, giving a false sense of an ending.

If she lets Stinger’s friends live, Xion becomes more understanding of Stinger’s perspective.

if she kills the friends, she demonizes him more and more, focusing on everything she lost. Attempts to justify being right for doing what she’s doing.

Xion has to go through nightmares experienced either while unconscious or when she sleeps.

Potential plot twists:
-Xion has been dead all along.

-Xion was revived as a tool of Xoren’s plot to get Damien’s power.

-Xion is actually a demon/dragon/wraith hybrid that has been following Stinger appearing as a massive entity of shadow, dust and white fire.

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